Anyone else tired of seeing post after post of people's dead cats?

I understand this is a subreddit for cats and all things to do with them. At the same time, however, it seems that more and more lately a lot of what I see on here is posts about an owner's cat that died one way or another. I have a few issues with this:I feel as if though most of these are just sympathy bait. Like, why would you want to post about an animal you loved on reddit of all places to a bunch of people who know nothing about you or your cat(s)? If anything at all for that matter? It's just karma farming, or so it seems.I am more than certain that 99% of people that are subscribed to this subreddit are here purely to see cute pictures of cats and funny stories regarding cats, or advice in some cases. That's the reason I signed up. That being said, these people probably do not like to see constant posts about other people's cats getting run over, shot, for being poisoned. It creates an unnecessary anxiety that I am nearly certain most people who are subscribed to the subreddit would not like to see.This isn't to say that there aren't a few genuine posts that people made about their recently deceased cats. But the uptake in frequency is starting to make me not trust a lot of these posts.I don't know if somebody else has already brought up the issue, as I really don't care to go scrolling through this page to find it.I guess I'm just voicing my frustrations with what seems to be a few too many coincidences. Anyone else tired of seeing post after post of people's dead cats?
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